
A collection of core brand colors often used across most projects. Global utility classes like the below are prefixed with u- for easier discovery. For the full list of brand colors see the official brand guidelines.

Background colors

u-Bg-blue — #4353ff
u-Bg-white — #ffffff
u-Bg-lightgray — #F5F5F5
u-Bg-midgray — #bbbbbb
u-Bg-darkgray — #444444
u-Bg-Black — #000000

Type colors

Design. Build. Launch.
u-text-blue — #4353ff
Design. Build. Launch.
u-text-white — #ffffff
Design. Build. Launch.
u-text-Black — #000000
Design. Build. Launch.
u-text-midgray — #bbbbbb
Design. Build. Launch.
u-text-lightgray — #f5f5f5